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Silent Promise
Once, in the depths of the Outskirts, there lived a rose who believed she was the best and only rose to bless these deserted lands.
On the other hand, there was once a Prince whom the rose put her full trust into.
So much that she, very literally, could not live without him.

Max, I'm thirsty! Fetch me the freshest pail of water this instant!
Demian knew it was cruel to restore life in such a manner, but something about her charmed him enough that he had no problem acting out on everything she could ever ask for.

Yes, yes. As my rose wishes.
Every request, every question she would tell...he'd follow each one. Sometimes he would crack a joke, and sometimes he would get sarcastic.

Carry me across this town! The sand hurts my feet.

Of course, Rosie. I'll float, so you can look around without problem.
A visit of a ghost town and paths walking down to nowhere. He'd bring her everything she needed. The rose had it all - Yet she could not help but wonder.
Yes, she was the best flower out here. She needed her friend to maintain that status. One night, as Rosie looked upon the stars, she started to question what it meant for Demian.
He was more free than anyone, or so she would hear from the monsters and the songs of animals. Would it be strange to conclude that by making him a servant, she was binding him when he should be exploring?
This realization was far too much to bear.

Max, tell me something if you have the time.

What is it that you wish for in life?

Now, that is an interesting question. I think I have yet to find that kind of purpose.

Is something stopping you?
Her head was on his lap, that night. Eyes staring curiously, expecting the worst answers and never getting that satisfaction.

The world is far too vast for me to settle down. But there isn't any problem with taking a break, is there?

Well...Well, of course not! You need me around, after all!
Those words faltered. Was she a burden?


I suppose that is true. I need someone to walk by my side. It's only human to want connection. Isn't that right?
She nodded, reluctantly. With her body shaking, Rosie tried to sit up.

I know exactly where this is going. You're right that someone needs to watch you, but...

It won't be me.

...Is that so.

It is so! I can't be with you forever, and you know that! You said it yourself that there's so much out there for you to look at!

So...So...So get up and keep walking!
As the two of them faced each other, Demian fiddled with his scarf, almost as if he was nervous. It dawned on Rosie that even in the time they spent with each other, she could never read his feelings half the time. Now, however, she could tell he was worried.
About her.

What will become of you? I blessed your hands so that they could hold mine.

Hmph. You care far too much.

Obviously, what will become of me is that you're going to come back to where we left off. And until then, I will find other ways to make sure...

That I'll stay the most beautiful rose this world will ever need, even after you've seen it all.

Don't waste any more time.
That night, Demian held Rosie's hand one more time. Leaving opened up the possibility that it would take years for them to meet again.
Still, he made a silent promise to come back and tell her what he saw. He stood up, and fulfilled her last request.
The rose did not leave her spot, even after he was long gone. All she could do was wait, even as the sands of time eroded her.